Graffiti, Drawing Bones, and Earth Pigments: How David Popa combines art and adventure

In the newest episode of Art is Cheaper than Therapy, I chat with David Popa, a Finland based artist originally from NYC who creates large-scale ephemeral works with natural earth-based pigments. From speaking about his father’s background in both early 80s graffiti and classical painting, to Popa’s childhood unrest in the studio, we learn about the concept of thin spaces and a form of art that combines adventure with traditional painting.

You can listen to that episode on all major streaming platforms including Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

Below are the Shownotes with the images and links we reference in this week’s episode.


Images (from davidpopaart, used with permission from David Popa)


Rembrandt, Apocalypse Films, and the Visual Commentary on Scripture with Dr. Michelle Fletcher


New podcast: Art is Cheaper Than Therapy